Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 1

Sunday January 1, 2012.....the boys and I took a walk to the Dollar Store this afternoon and I got this wonderful vegetable organizer for only a dollar!  So I have begun my challenge and in the pocket for January I have put $60 dollars cash (didn't have a hundred).  Friday I got an email from Westar saying I had a positive balance and didn't need to pay my electric bill this month.  I thought, hmmm must have paid it twice!  But then they sent the paper statement Saturday and I have a credit for $375 because I have lived here for 2 years now and they are refunding my deposit! So I won't have to pay an electric bill for January & Febuary!  Sweet!!  After paying 400 and 500 dollar heating bills in Halstead, I learned a few things.  The thing I did as soon as Westar would let me, was I went on the average monthly payment so my $150 electric bill(I am all electric here) is a welcome change! God always provides in unexpected ways!
Anyway, I have a deer roast marinating for tomorrows soup!  I was rereading some of my Nourishing Traditions cookbook and in there she quoted someone else in that 1 carrot a day cuts your risk of lung cancer in half and eating 3 carrots a day lowers your cholesterol by 25%.  So there will be lots of carrots in tomorrow's dinner!! I love this book by Sally Fallon.  All about the benefits of eating raw and healthy foods and what sugar and processed foods does to children and adults alike.  Learned today that I can ask my fish butcher for free carcasses and heads to make delicious and healing fish soups and that adding deer feet and part of the antlers to make your broth is a great thing! I learn something every single day!  Grateful for that!!
Keep hearing something my pastor said weeks ago.... fighting IS winning!  Today was about change and control!  One thing he said that really struck a chord with me was that it should be easier to live in trust than in fear as we get older.  God has proven Himself faithful to me time and time again so why should I fear the future?  I have resolved to trust Him with my next week and life.  I don't know what next week will bring, I know I work Tuesday and Saturday I make the cinnamon rolls.  That's about all I know.  I don't know who will call me or won't.  I do know that a guy from work brought me a Four-season Harvest book and living off the land is not only possible but is practical.  I also know that it is my job and responsibilty to prepare and to learn and to PRAY constantly!  Reminds me of the Serenity Prayer and how I need the courage to change what I can (me) and accept and trust God with the rest!

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully put Paige. You are inspiring me to live with greater expectancy and dependence!
