Monday, January 2, 2012

Verbal "blogger" processor!

I am a verbal processor!  At any given time, I have a million thoughts in my head.  My friend calls me a "sparkle brain".  I sometimes don't know what to do with all the thoughts and ideas but it helps when I say them outloud or write about them.  I am enjoying blogging and I am trying to remember that people are reading this.  That is a little weird.  The blog gives you stats of where people are that view this.  Obviously most are in Kansas and Seattle(hey Victoria!!) but someone in Germany read this- fun!!  Keeping in mind that who in the world knows who is reading this helps me not to get too personal!  My purpose in this is to share what He is doing in my life, process, encourage and most of all give glory to God!!

Today my verse is from 1 Thessalonians 4:11 "This should be your ambition: to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we commanded you before.  As a result, people who are not Christians will respect the way you live, and you will not need to depend on others to meet your financial needs." I am pretty strong willed and independent so not depending on others is appealing to me.  I have to watch that I don't become to independent and isolated.  I have a tendency to isolate and self protect but God has been challenging me to "plow up the hard ground of your hearts" Jeremiah 4:3.  My heart has been softening but for years it was hard as stone!! "And I will give you a new heart- I will give you new and right desires- and put a new spirit within you.  I will take out your stony hearts of sin and give you new hearts of love." Ezekiel 36:26.  One of my memory verses..... new hearts of love!  Love that!!
My dads birthday was New Years Eve- I gave him a bag of home grown cow peas- very similar to black eyed peas.  My parents eat black eyed peas every year on New Years Day.  I don't know why...I guess it is superstition.  It made me happy to give him something that I had grown, picked and shelled.  I love to give gifts that I have made with my hands!  I grew cow peas this last season instead of green beans.  I really didn't know what they were but the name had "cow" in it(love cows) and the picture was of a beautiful purple bean.  So when they were ready for harvest I picked and cooked them.  I cooked them like I would have green beans- sauteed in some butter then I served them.  They seemed kind of tough and not really like a string bean and not really good to eat! I guess I didn't realize they were PEAS, hence the name cow PEA.  They are to be shucked and the peas cooked not eaten whole!  Live and learn and LOVE!!!

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