Friday, January 27, 2012


My friend and I drove this 1958 Ford pickup to Halstead, the biggest little city of Kansas and boy did it look little coming from the BIG city.  It was an adventure as it has no power steering but sure makes lots of noises.  So grateful to have an extra set of eyes with me as it only goes 50.  We went there to get my freezer from my old store, now Kaleo Cafe & Bakery.  Kaleo looks fabulous!  It looks like Loulu was never even there except for the little bits of pink paint here and there and a few stickers still on the wall. Almost as if I dreamed up that time in my life. But it was real... people recognized me so it must have been!
This week I have been discovering the joys of dehydration! "There truly is almost no limit to the value of dehydration." a quote from Independence days (a guide to sustainable food storage & preservation) book.  I have learned how to dehydrate uneaten scraps of food like carrots, corn and even meat from my boys' plates.  The idea is to dehydrate and put into a soup jar and reuse for soups and stews.  Love it!!  This week I dehydrated spinach leaves, uneaten pieces of apple and orange peels.  No I am not gonna put the orange peels or apple in my soup jar but I am gonna use them for baking and other things.  There is a recipe for dehydrator apple granola bars in this book that I plan on making.  This book also talks about buying in bulk especially oats, which is something I am working on.  Then I can make ALOT of granola bars.  This book is on loan from my baker friend.  He shared with me the idea of taking some wheat berries and sprouting them so we can have veggies in our diet when we are out of veggie money.  The month is coming to an end and I have to say it has been fun and educational!  I have learned lots of interesting food facts and ideas now to implement them into daily life.  Reminds me of James 1:25 "But if you keep looking steadily into God's perfect law-the law that sets you free-and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it."  DO and not forget. Just gotta make sure what I DO is based on TRUTH.
 I guess I get to go to the store on Wednesday....little overwhelmed thinking about it.  So I am preparing a list now:-) 
This week I have also been working on the second annual "Run for their Lives" race/walk fundraiser for House of Hope Wichita.  This year, as long as I get approved at the city council meeting Tuesday, it will be held at Andover Central Park again but this time on Saturday May 26th from 7 to 10:30.  I am feeling much more prepared to take this on this year and hope to increase our money raised from $8,000 to over $20,000!!  If any readers would like to support me in my attempt to lap the lake many, many times please let me know.  Participants of this race are encouraged to get sponsors for each lap completed with the goal being to run (or walk) for the lives of hurting teens! Next Saturday I start working at Cabela's so I am trying to get as much done now while I have the time.  Gotta get trained on proper hiking, fishing and hunting footwear so I can sell some shoes come March when they open!! His ways are definitely not my ways but I am standing on the fact that God has a plan and last night I got a glimpse of it.  If someone would have told me a year ago that I would be selling shoes at a non-existent Cabela's, making cinnamon rolls and leading a non-existent CR group I would have thought them crazy!!  But I trust He has a plan because He say so.."For I know the plans I have for you," Declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11.

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