Friday, February 3, 2012

HIS delite!

It is the third day of February today.  Yesterday I went to Aldi to spend part of the allotted $100 food budget money.  I spent about $47 and in that purchase were MANY avocados!  They were .29 cents!!  That is unbelievable.  Today I took my friend to the store (Dillons) and there I saw their advertised avocado price of $1 each.  WOW is all I can say!  No wonder I don't shop at Dillons anymore!  Although, while my friend did her shopping I looked around and came up with some bargains I could not pass up.  I bought some live lettuce on clearance for $1.  I also got some fresh corn on clearance for .99 cents and I splurged and got 10 boxes of Mother's Naturals boxed cereal for .99 cents each.  I really debated over the last purchase because all my readings AND Willy Wonka say boxed cereal is BAD and way too expensive but it is "Mother's Naturals" and it was only .99 cents a box and my boys LOVE cereal!! So far, for the month I have spent $67 and feel pretty set.  Yesterday I made homemade granola bars in my dehydrator, dried lots of cranberries and apples.  One of my lesser goals of this $100 budget is to get rid of all processed foods in our home and to eat almost all things made from scratch or raw. My boys are doing great with this transition and are eating better than ever!  We still have processed foods and probably always will but the majority of stuff is my goal. 
In the picture is a huge bag of basmati rice that my co-worker gave me.  It is about 10 pounds!  She had bought a big bag at Sam's and offered to give me the other half.  I went to go pick up the rice after I dropped off my friend at her house today.  While I was at my friends house I saw 2 green glass jars with tight sealing lids on them.  My friend is getting rid of almost all her stuff because she has to move....anyway I thought to myself I could use those jars ("You know my every thought when far away" Psalm 139:2)  but then thought I don't "need" anything & maybe she can sell them along with the other things.  Then my friend walked into the room, went straight to the jars and said, "could you use these jars?  I thought you could use them and might like them?"  I smiled and said, "you know I could use those jars!".  A great reminder to me that God delites in me!  He is involved in every detail down to the very container I store my rice in.   He delites to fill my "needs", He delites in ME!! Psalm 147:11 says, "The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in HIS unfailing LOVE."  I choose to spell delight delite because the basmati rice bag is from the brand Nature's Delite and when I saw that I immediatly thought about how He is delited with me. He knows what I "need" or "want", "the Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need" Psalm 23:1.  That always gives me great comfort, He knows!!  He has His eye on me...."I will advise you and watch over you" Psalm 32:8 and 1 Peter 5:7 "Let Him have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.", I  plan to buy peanut butter and oats next from Great Harvest as peanut butter is super duper expensive!
 I start work tomorrow at Cabela's.  A little nervous about being stuck in a retail store with the general public for 8 hours + straight but the thought of being surrounded by big,live, swimming fish and giant, dead, stuffed animals comforts me!! My plan is to keep working at Great Harvest as well.  That has been a huge blessing for me and the boys!! 
I didn't get to post this yesterday- ran out of time!  So now today is day 4 of the month and today was my first day at Cabela's.  We aren't in the store yet but train at another location. We get to go work there and see the inside for the first time next Saturday.  Can't wait as it is gonna be an AMAZING store!   I have to train all week for them at another location and work at the bakery some as well so things are gonna get crazy around here!  The good news is I get fire arms training:-)  FUN!!   More good news is that at the end of the day I commented to my group that I just wanted a sticker!  I love stickers and always have.  Then they gave us a special edition Cabebela's wichita opening team hat and a sticker!! FUN!! A man made the comment today that working at Cabela's is like working outside inside.  Good way of looking at it.  I am gonna get to hear adventure stories and help people enjoy and celebrate their lives in the great outdoors.  Again FUN!  People come to Cabela's to help them enjoy the best parts of life.  Everyone needs a good pair of hiking shoes or the perfect tent to sleep under the stars!  I am looking forward to taking the boys when we get to have a private shopping experience before it opens.  They are gonna think their momma works at the greatest place on earth!!  They already think I am great for making the world's best cinnamon rolls!

Need to make a retraction-  It is "mom's Best Natural's" not Mother's Natural's!  Naaman and I were just discussing the cereal as he was eating it.  Want to mention that it is made with real honey, brown sugar syrup, whole grain oat flour and no artificial preservatives.  Wonder what Willy Wonka would think of this brand?  I told Naaman it was onlt .99 cents a box and he asked how many I bought.  I said eight!!  Sweet Naaman's reply was, " I love you, Mom!".  So glad there is laughter,joy and LOVE in my house!!

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